Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Back...Up up in the air

This weekend, I did something that, for the past two years I didn't think I would be able to do.....I returned to the air! My shoulder had been injured so bad, I didn't think it would ever not hurt. Then, came the breast cancer! The dream I had in 2010, when I put on those wings, felt like it was going to be short lived.

I had dreamed of flying since I was a little girl. I thought it was so cool that my dad built planes. My other friends had more money and their dads were Dr's or lawyers, but that didn't hold a candle to the fact he worked at Lockheed. I was more impressed with his job. Every time I heard the C5-A come screeching across the sky and rattling the windows, I would run outside to look. I still to this day, lift my head every time a plane from Dobbins is flying over my house. The highlight of my childhood was when the Blue Angles were in town and Missy and I would climb on top of my roof to watch them. They felt so close we would duck down when they got near. One year my brother took us to the base to watch them and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven!

 I didn't know anything about commercial flying, so I can't say the dream was to be a flight attendant...just to fly. I struggled to find out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought briefly about the armed services, but I was scrawny and didn't think I could make it through one day of boot camp, since I loathed to run!! I thought about teaching, but since I hate math, as much as running, I didn't think I was qualified to teach a 1st grader anything!! As I got in high school and the thought of traveling to far away places, intrigued me, I thought being a flight attendant would be cool. I would wear a uniform, like the military, tell people what to do, like a teacher and get to fly- like I wanted to do.

Several times during my life, the opportunity came up to apply with the airlines, but it was never the right time. Until 2010- April 28th, I graduated from 4 weeks of training with the greatest group of people!

After two shoulder surgeries, countless hours of physical therapy, two breast cancer surgeries, 8 chemo treatments, and a week of re-training- I pinned my wings back on Friday and took to the skies!
My first trip was with one of my favorite classmates, Hillary and Ashlee (some random crazy girl we had never met, who is now our bff).  We had awesome layovers in Washington DC and Raleigh, my stomach hurts from all the laughing!

Being a flight attendant is something that is not for everyone. You have to be able to adapt and be flexible. Tuesday was my day off, but we had a mechanical problem and couldn't get home Monday night. Most people would not be able to handle that uncertainty. You also have to have a personality to change someones attitude around, even when they are totally pissed off at you or a situation. I have to say, I love what I do. It is not something that takes alot of brain power- (getting the head count is by far the hardest thing for me. Ha ha) but it takes alot of personality, adaptability and mental fortitude. Plus, we are able to rescue and save your butts in a moments notice.

We are trained as, teachers, nurses, paramedics, boat captains (I hope to never have to use that skill), police officers, waitresses, counselors, hotel connoisseurs, etc. I am so happy to be back up in the air and I thank my husband for being supportive of this career and my family for being understanding when I miss Easter, or Christmas or other important events. I am truely blessed with my life and I thank God for it everyday!!