The past eight years have been an interesting ride, but when I tell you I couldn't have done it without my better half, you better believe me!! God put him in my life at the exact moment that I needed him and he never left my side.
I was pretty broken (in more ways than one), when I hopped up on the bar stool at Willie Raes. It was a muggy hot night in July, with my sidekick Cindi by my side. We had been out walking and over to a MHS touchdown club meeting and decided to stop in for a drink. She was trying to cheer me up. Lloyd was there that night, sitting at the bar by himself. There were two empty stools beside him, so Cindi and I sat down. I had met Lloyd from the neighborhood and around town. I also knew his Mom, from the church and Cindi had gone to High School with him, so it wasn't like he was a complete stranger. After a few drinks, I went to the bathroom and that is when my sister decided to play matchmaker....not necessarily with Lloyd. She was asking if he knew ANYONE single that would ask me out- she was desperate for me!! Ha ha- anyone that knows the back story, knows why! Lloyd, said "no, he didn't know of anyone".
San Juan 2006- My life has a plan! |
Then next day while I was at work, I got a phone call from an unknown number. It was Lloyd asking me out! I wasn't sure I was ready, so the next week I made Cindi go with me to eat with him. Well needless to say, somewhere within those first couple of dates, we realized immediately that we were meant to be. I had spent my birthday on the beach just the month before, reading the book a
Passion Test and contemplating my life and what would make me happy. I made a list of what I wanted and what I wanted to accomplish in life, I had a plan! It wasn't to find a guy in a bar and marry him within 7 months! It was to make sure I didn't "SETTLE". I was going to look for specific things in my next relationship and I wouldn't waste my time on someone that didn't possess those requirements.
When I met Lloyd, I know that he was what I wanted and with him I could accomplish all that was on my passion list. He made the cut, very quickly. He had the same background as me- grew up in Marietta, raised in the 1st Methodist Church, same ideas about life and family. He understood what my requirements were and they were totally in line with what he was looking for! By October we were engaged, and February 24th we were married! Our two families had come together and everyone was happy!!
Our blended family! Cape San Blas 2/24/07 |
Very quickly my dreams started coming true! #1 on my list was to "make a home that my kids wanted to come home to and feel comfortable in" Lloyd took that challenge seriously in his remodel project of our house on Wright Street- everything I have asked for he has built and made into reality! To say he is the most talented person I know, is an understatement!
My kitchen island, cabinets, and door my husband built! |
Together we added a #1.1 to my passion list- "to have a place where we can get away from it all, with our kids, grand kids and friends. That place is Towee! So there he is making our dreams come true in the form of a little cabin, a farm, 33 acres, great friends and good times!
Lloyd has also been my biggest support system for other dreams I had, even when it didn't involve him. I wanted to make a difference in some small way to women, to step out of my box follow my dreams, and be a role model for my girls. I tried to accomplish some of those goals with the Pink Suitcase Sisters, Infinity Travel and raising money and awareness for Cancer. Going to training to be a flight attendant was defiantly stepping out of that box and following a dream that had a long time ago been forgotten. Every step I took with my endeavors Lloyd was there cheering me on.

Another top of my list item was to be with a man that my kids respected and could learn from- yes, he passes that test with flying colors! Bradley said it best the other day, "I have tried to explain Lloyd to people, but it is hard. I have never met a man that knows more about everything and can do anything." He is pretty funny to go along with that! Here in his Egyptian tablecloth shirt and camos, JUST because Kristi and I are making them take a family picture!
Lloyd is my rock, my biggest cheerleader, my cook, my mechanic, my builder, my dryer fixer, my teacher, my gardener, my grits grinder, my love, my everything!
I could not have gone through cancer with out him by my side! I know he was hurting for me so bad inside, but he hid it, so he could provide me with the strength I needed from him. He didn't care that I lost my hair or my breast, in fact he still contends to this day that I am prettiest without hair! No other man would have been able to offer me the support and love that he did through that time! No one else could have made me laugh as they shaved my head! Looking back on the pictures of the two of us during that time, I can see his pain and his love so clearly. I saw it when all was said and done and I spoke at the Making Strides Walk and he was standing there crying....I had to look away! There is never a doubt that he loves me!
Thank you for the security that you instill in my life EVERY day!!
Shaving my hair on Black Friday |
Last day of chemo and Valentines Day |
Making Strides Walk, after my speech |
We have so many blessings in our life and so many more memories to make! Happy Anniversary to my better half!! I love you with all my heart and soul!
The first grand boy!! |
Homer pointing at his baby cousins |
The first Grand Girl! |
Baby blessings galore |
Red Rider BB gun tradition with Papa |
My 3 boys- my heart! |
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